Safe streaming with linear types

Adaptation of the streaming library for increased safety through linear types. Summer of Haskell 2017 project in collaboration with Tweag I/O. My name is Edvard Hübinette, and I study computer science @ Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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Usability issues with linear Haskell

11 Aug 2017

Working with linearly typed Haskell has been really interesting, and I have leveraged a linear monad for much of my endeavours. This has been neat in combination with -XRebindableSyntax to get do-notation to plug-and-play, but not everything has been a smooth experience. In this post I will discuss a few of the annoying usability issues that have surfaced when working with linear types in a practical setting.

Broken flow control

There are some issues with flow control when using the linear extension. Albeit a temporary problem, there is no linear case and let implemented yet. This means that even if you thread your things linearly through these constructs, they will lead to errors because the linearity checker sees you passing a linear variable to an unrestricted context:

λ> let f :: a  a; f x = let y = x in y

<interactive>:28:19: error:
     Couldn't match expected weight 1 of variable x with actual weight ‘ω’
     In an equation for f: f x = let y = x in y

λ> data B = T Int | F Int
λ> let f :: B  Int; f b = case b of T i -> i; F i -> i

<interactive>:3:21: error:
     Couldn't match expected weight '1' of variable 'b' with actual weight 'ω'
     In an equation for 'f':
          f b
            = case b of
                T i -> i
                F i -> i

Both these examples will work eventually, and linear versions of both case and let will indeed be implemented later. For now, one can work around these hurdles through adding where-functions and doing the case logic through pattern matching there. There are a few silly constraints like that, but also real problems so let’s take a look at a few of those.

Mixing monad classes

So, -XRebindableSyntax made using a redefined monad a real hoot. Until you need to mix different kinds of monads in the same module… Then you run into trouble, because the do-notation can only be bound to the functions of one of the monad classes and the others need to use qualified infix monadic operators. This could be a common issue, because you possibly do not care about linearity everywhere, but only in parts of your code. When do-notation only works for one of your monads, you have a few unsatisfactory choices like:

  • Figure out which of your monads you need to write the simplest code for, then write that without do-notation using qualified infix monadic operators in a sea of lambdas. This only to later realise that it got more complex than you anticipated, so you change your mind and have to rewrite that code in do-notation and change the other code to qualified infix riddled spaghetti instead.

  • Split up a logically sound module into two separate ones, one for linear and one for unrestricted code. Then you get screwed over by recursive dependencies, confused by your own code base and/or bullied in code review.

A solution approach

It should be possible to solve this issue by creating a sort of “monad umbrella”, allowing different multiplicity monads to share a common interface. This could then be used for functions that want to support all of them. I have been trying hard (with excellent help from the guys at Tweag) to write a proper implementation that the type checker accepts, using a plethora of different approaches, but in vain. Anyway, this sketch should show you the idea:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

import qualified Control.Monad as M
import qualified Control.Monad.LMonad as L

data Multiplicity = One | Omega

-- A TF associating the proper
-- arrow to each multiplicity
type family Arrow p a b where
  Arrow One   a b = a  b
  Arrow Omega a b = a -> b

-- A Monad umbrella class with arrows parameterised
-- by the underlying monad multiplicity
class MonadWithWeight (p :: Multiplicity) m where
  -- a -> m a
  return :: Arrow p a (m a)

  -- m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  (>>=) :: Arrow p (m a) (
             Arrow p (Arrow a (m b))
               m b)

instance Monad m => MonadWithWeight 'Omega where
  return = M.return
  (>>=) = (M.>>=)

instance LMonad m => MonadWithWeight 'One where
  return = L.return
  (>>=) = (L.>>=)

If we made something like this, we could bind the do-notation to the functions provided by MonadWithWeight and automagically get the correct implementation depending on which monad we are currently typed with! Cool. Though, this does not actually work, which could be from fundamental limits in the compiler. It is a bit early to speculate but we did it anyway; our best guess is that the type of >>= is inferred in isolation, and rebindable-do requires it to have a function type. So even if GHC unfolds the type family early enough, >>= doesn’t in isolation have a specified multiplicity and hence not yet a decided function arrow.

A temporary workaround

While the above solution would definitely be better, there is actually a working solution, but it’s not very pretty: pack your favourite monad in a record and take it with you! Unpack it and override do-notation locally, both practical and fun:

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}

data LinearMonadOverloader m a b = MO
  { (>>=) :: m a  (a  m b)  m b
  , (>>) :: m ()  m a  m a
  , return :: a  m a

linearMonad :: LMonad m =>
  LinearMonadOverloader m a b
linearMonad = MO
  { (>>=) = (L.>>=)
  , (>>)  = (L.>>)
  , return = L.return

-- In another module somewhere, import your
-- function and shadow the monadic operators
myLinearInc :: LMonad m => m Int  m Int
myLinearInc n = do
  i <- n
  return $ i + 1
    MO { .. } = linearMonad

The reason this works is that we don’t pollute the global scope with different monadic operators, but hide them in a function returning a record type. This allows us to import that function globally and unpack them from the record locally where we need them, shadowing the operators only in the scope of that where-clause!

It is worth noting that this is not specific to linear things but rather the -XRebindableSyntax extension overall, possibly contributing to its seemed unpopularity. This might be a reason for indexed and relative monads not seeing so much use either, since the handling of syntax gets so clunky.

Multiplicity polymorphism for monads

How can we get functions to work with both linear and non-linear abstractions? To solve the issues with repeatable effects in the streaming library, I redefined it to work with the linear monad. This is great and all, but now the code only supports linear monads and no longer the good ol’ unrestricted monad. It would be practical to be able to write functions on monads with different multiplicity constraints, otherwise we will have to write lots of duplicate code to support the different monads! Unfortunately, general multiplicity polymorphism requires a lot more work, and will likely not happen before the monomorphic linear types are merged.


The arguaby nastiest issue is related to the if-then-else construct, and is much worse than case and let. The core syntax is implemented linearly, but clashes with -XRebindableSyntax; as soon as this extension is activated, the internal if-then-else goes out of scope and you have to provide an implementation of ifThenElse :: a -> b -> c -> d yourself. As you can see, -XRebindableSyntax assumes this is the type we need, an assumption not compatible with linear types. This is really bad news, because the linear ifThenElse has a different type and different semantics, that cannot be implemented as a user.

The consequence of this is that merely by activating a compiler extension, previously legitimate code ceases to be able to compile, which is horrible since we straight up lose well-typed code. Adding insult to injury, there is even no way to reconcile the two different types, so an internal fix of this for linearity would just reverse the issue by causing the same problems for the regular, less constrained ifThenElse.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to drop a comment in the reddit discussion thread!