Safe streaming with linear types

Adaptation of the streaming library for increased safety through linear types. Summer of Haskell 2017 project in collaboration with Tweag I/O. My name is Edvard Hübinette, and I study computer science @ Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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Take & Zip — An issue with linear streams

08 Aug 2017

When adapting the streaming library for better type safety by leveraging linearity, one particular set of functions has been, and still is, a major issue: take, zip and everything based on them.

Basically, the whole point of linear streams is that we know that the monadic actions downstream are guaranteed to be performed (see earlier posts on linear types & streams and linear monads if you are curious on why this is). Skipping the resulting stream elements is usually not an issue, and can be done neatly with unrestricted constructors in the stream functor (like so), but we really need the dowstream actions done! This unfortunately makes it tricky for the cases when we genuinely do not want the rest of the values of the stream, as in the semantics of the core functions take and zip. Since this is a common pattern in the programming model of streams, this indeed seems to be a big issue.

The problem with take

We sometimes want to compute on a stream until we find an element fulfilling a predicate, only consider a subsequence of values then quit, or work with infinite streams (which often get cumbersome in absence of take-like functions). The type of take in the original Streaming.Prelude is

take :: (Monad m, Functor f) => Int -> Stream f m r -> Stream f m ()

and the semantics are simple: we yield k elements from the given stream through performing actions in some monad, before we abruptly stop and discard both the rest of the stream (with its corresponding sequence of actions) and the end-of-stream value of type r. Unfortunately, this obviously cannot be linear, and this is for a good reason: what if there is a closeFile action further down the stream? If we cut the stream early, that action will not be performed and we have made ourselves a resource leak!

If the stream is completely unrestricted, this isn’t a problem. Taking what you need from a pure stream like this should be okay, since the yielded elements are unrestricted, there are no side effects and no end-of-stream value:

import Streaming.Prelude (each, stdoutLn, show, take)

printInts :: Int -> IO ()
printInts k =
  let s = each [1..] :: Stream (LOf Integer) Identity ()
  in stdoutLn $ show $ take k s

So should we constrain ourselves to unrestricted monads then? No, since that would severely restrict the possible streams and would make simple programs like this impossible:

import Streaming.Prelude (takeWhile, read, stdinLn)

userSmallNumbers :: Stream (Of Int) IO ()
userSmallNumbers = takeWhile ((<) 100) . read . stdinLn

-- stdinLn :: Stream (Of String) IO ()
-- Endless supply of standard input

-- read :: (Monad m, Read a) => Stream (Of String) m r -> Stream (Of a) m r
-- Tries to parse a's from the stream of String, skipping failed elements

-- takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream (Of a) m r -> Stream (Of a) m ()
-- Continue yielding while the elements fulfill the predicate

You can probably imagine how useful this pattern is, so not being able to take linear streams is indeed troubling. But couldn’t we just use its linear cousin, splitsAt?

splitsAt :: (Monad m, Functor f) => Int -> Stream f m r -> Stream f m (Stream f m r)

It transforms an infinite stream into a finite one, and lets you snag what you want from the head. Isn’t that exactly what we need? Unfortunately no; as you can see in the type the linear end-of-stream value is another stream, the remainder of after splitting, and we need to consume this too!

To really solve the problem with take we would need to create some abstraction for destructible streams. This way we could know that the stream is fine with being cut early, which is not true in the general case. As a first step, let us take a look at how we can destroy linear variables at all, since it sounds pretty weird.

Destruction of linear values

Our problems would be solved if we could have a destroy :: Stream f m r ⊸ (), but let’s start by figuring out how we can destroy linear values of simpler types. Let’s create a type class for destructability of linear values, where each type can decide how you can consume its inhabitants (which really makes them affine):

class Destructible a where
  destroy :: a  ()

For nullary constructors this can be implemented just by pattern matching, since this is enough to consume those values:

instance Destructible Bool where
  destroy :: Bool  ()
  destroy True = ()
  destroy False = ()

For more interesting data types, we can implement destroy if the type of fields implement Destructible too:

instance Destructible a => Destructible [a] where
  destroy [] = ()
  destroy (x:xs) = destroyRest $ destroy x
  where destroyRest :: ()  ()
        destroyRest () = destroy xs

It is also possible to extend this to primitive types with a bit of acrobatics. This is mostly a fun experiement, in the future primitive types like Int will come with destroy primitives.

-- Enables #-syntax needed for unboxed types
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}

import GHC.Prim (Int#, (+#), (*#))

-- Can't write instances for unboxed types,
-- so let's hide it inside here
data Int where Int# :: Int# -> Int

instance Destructible Int where
  destroy (Int# _) = ()

-- If you want to play with this in GHCi you need
-- to use primitive literal syntax for your ints

For more exotic types you might have to resort to using unsafeCoerce in different ways, which may bring its own problems.

Destruction of a stream

Now we have seen how we can consume linear variables pretty smoothly which is neat and all, but the main problem still stands: the effects downstream could be doing critical stuff so we can’t just skip them, and what consumption of a monadic value even means depends on the monad! When really aborting the stream we are discarding all of the actions, and this is in conflict with the guarantees that we have achieved with the linearity.

Unfortunately it is still not clear precicely how we need to constrain our m to make it possible to implement destroy :: Stream f m r ⊸ (). A start would be to create an abstraction of “optional continuations” of monadic computations, where we can keep the linearity of the monadic values but allow the computation to exit somewhere. So if we create some Affine a, a monad along these lines could be one way to enable take on streams:

class AffineMonad m where
  (>>=) :: Affine (m a)  Affine (Affine a  m b)  m b

This is just a sketch, but something like it could allow keeping the monadic values linear by only allowing linear transformations, but you can quit anywhere by destroy-ing the a and not using the continuation. Several questions remain though:

  • Does this have reasonable and practical instances?
  • How it would mesh with corresponding functors and applicatives?

It might be possible to make ResourceT an instance of AffineMonad, which would allow safely aborting a monad with shared resources, relying on ResourceT to cleanup our leftovers.

The problem with zip

zip is also interesting since the original implementation does two things that are illegal in the linear setting:

  1. Throws away the tail of the longer stream (matches the semantics of
  2. Discards the end-of-stream value of the longer stream

The first issue is shared with take, while the other could with equal length streams be solved either by ending with a tuple of both stream end values, or combining them with some function f :: r ⊸ r ⊸ r.

You have probably used zip in different settings, but I suspect you sometimes don’t care about the tail of the longer data structure, or even leverage these semantics with infinite data structures. A lot of the power and applicability of zip comes from this, so it is indeed an issue that we cannot implement it with linear streams.

zip will remain tricky because it’s locked until we can take properly, since it suffers from the same problems. A different approach all together could include encoding the stream length in the types; this would be nice in the sense that we could define zip only on streams of equal length. On the other hand, it would probably not be very practical, nor fit the programming model particularly well since we often leverage that streams are of different lengths, and often simply don’t know beforehand.

That’s it for today! Feel free to drop comments or questions at reddit, I’d love to hear other ideas on these issues.